Thursday 3 October 2013

How to be history maker

It's pretty easy to come up with a list of history makers, Bible teacher Neale Robb told students at chapel today. They are people like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, William Wilberforce, Mother Teresa or Billy Graham -- people who are famous for their skills as preachers, evangelists, reformers, missionaries, Bible translators or abolitionists.

"These are people famous for their faith and the way God used them," Robb said.
But most of us will never attain that kind of fame or notoriety, Robb said, yet our chapel theme for the year is "history makers."
If we are not destined for fame, is it possible for us to be history makers? Robb asked.
The answer is "yes."
Robb said Tabitha, a "believer in Joppa, (who was) always doing kind things for others and helping the poor" is a good example of the kind of history makers we can be.
She was a disciple, she did good and she helped the hurting, he said.
There are no quotations attributed to her in the Bible and there is no other record of her exploits, he said, except we know that when she became ill her friends begged for her to be healed. (Acts 9:36-38.)
Tabitha's life clearly had an impact, Robb said.

Being known as a disciple meant that she was totally devoted to the lifestyle of being a follower of Jesus, he said. "We can do that."
We can also do good and help the hurting, he said.
"We can be a friend to a student who seems to be alone. We can stand up for someone who is being bullied. We can be a tutor a child at Rose City Kids or we can befriend a senior," he said. "Being a history maker is jumping in to help whenever we see a need."
He led in a closing prayer: "Help us to put our love into action. May we allow you to use us. Give us awareness and give us courage to step up and help."
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Here's a link to a video from this morning's student praise team, which led us in singing Mountaintop, Desert Song and Tell the World. 

And here are some more photos of the praise team. We are blessed to have so many talented and dedicated students who use their gifts to make our chapels genuine worship experiences. We also have a talented and dedicated AV crew that makes us look and sound good!

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Oh, and in his trademark fashion, Mr. Robb began today's chapel with the following news and helpful hints.
He informed the students that contrary to earlier assumptions, it now appears there WERE cars in Jesus' time, because the Bible tells us in the New Testament that the "apostles were all in one Accord."
Mr. Robb also recommended an experiment for students to attempt for Sciencepalooza. He said it's well known that when a cat falls it always lands on its feet and that when toast falls it always lands buttered side down, so if you tied a piece of toast butter-side up on the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, the opposing forces would cancel each other out, leaving the cat hovering above the ground. In fact, theorized Mr. Robb, if you tied enough toast to enough cats, you could devise the basis for a high-speed mono-rail system. Ba-dum, crash!